Strategic Partners


Strategic Partners

We work closely with...

Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica is a national organisation of private sector associations, companies and individuals working together since 1976 to promote a competitive and productive private sector.

The organisation seeks to influence national policy issues of a political, social, or economic nature. The Executive Committee, under guidance from the Council, leads this process by promoting discussions with the country’s government, political directorate and the opposition. The Organisation is also in close and constant contact with the major multi-lateral and bi-lateral agencies. One of the primary mandates of the PSOJ is advocacy. The proactive participation of members, through a number of committees, impacts directly on the development of the private sector. The PSOJ continues to make meaningful representation on behalf of the private sector to ensure that its presence and strong voice are always maintained.

Areas of Emphasis

  • To promote cooperation between private sector organisations
  • To formulate and promote a macro economic policy framework which will achieve high rates of sustained economic growth
  • To formulate and promote policies for the achievement of a lawful and just society
  • To promote and influence greater transparency, efficiency and accountability in the operations of the public sector
  • To promote the practice of good corporate governance in the private sector


Funding Sources

JAMP received initial seed funding in 2019 from nine (9) private sector sponsors, namely, National Baking Company, Victoria Mutual Group, GB Group (Texaco), ICD Group, Sagicor Group, Jamaica Broilers Group of Companies, JN Bank, WISYNCO as well as a donation from the JMMB Joan Duncan Foundation.

The Jamaica Accountability Meter Portal project was awarded a 36 month grant by the European Union as part of their continued commitment to the development of Jamaica and its people. The first funding support began in June 2019 and ended in December 2022. JAMP is now benefitting from a second funding commitment which began in March 2023 and is scheduled to end in March 2026.

The continued development of this Portal and our programmatic activities also benefit from co-financing provided by the UK International Development from the UK Government. 

We invite members of the public to donate towards JAMP’s continued work and the continued sustainability of the effort.


JAMP wants to acknowledge and thank the nine private sector entities that generously contributed seed funding to take JAMP from concept to reality.

not accounted for


Governance is too important to be left solely to our politicians. Send a letter to your MP and to the Parliament letting them know where you stand.

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