Picture of Audley Gordon

Audley Gordon

Executive Director

National Solid Waste Management Authority

Picture of Owen Ellington

Mr Owen Ellington

Board Chairman

National Solid Waste Management Authority

Picture of Desmond McKenzie

Hon. Desmond McKenzie, MP

Minister with Portfolio: Local Government and Rural Development

Ministry of Local Government and Community Development (MLGCD)

Picture of Marsha Henry-Martin

Mrs. Marsha Henry-Martin

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Local Government and Community Development (MLGCD)


The National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) was set up under the National Solid Waste Management Act 2001 and began working in March 2002. The NSWMA was created to build a better garbage collection system for Jamaica. Before this, companies like MPM, WPM, NEPM, and SPM Waste Management Limited handled waste collection. These companies still collect trash, but now the NSWMA oversees their work.

The NSWMA is financed through property tax contributions from the Parochial Revenue Fund and internal revenue. For the Financial Year 2024/25, the Authority has an approved budget of J$ 4.6 billion, with revised estimates increasing to J$8.5 billion to strengthen solid waste collection and disposal services across Jamaica.

The NSWMA is mandated by law to undertake and ensure that the following functions are executed to: 1. effectively manage solid waste in Jamaica to safeguard public health; 2. Ensure that solid waste is collected, stored, transported, recycled, reused or disposed of, in an environmentally sound manner; 3. Promote public awareness of efficient solid waste management and foster understanding of its importance to the conservation, protection, and proper use of the environment and; 4. Introduce cost recovery measures for services provided by or on behalf of the Authority.

To summarise, the NSWMA’s job is to collect and dispose of garbage properly to keep Jamaica clean and protect public health. To achieve this, the staff and the Board of the NSWMA must ensure there is robust corporate governance. Let’s see how they are doing!!

Key Compliance Results



Board Composition

Has a Board with requisite skills as per the Competency Profile

Current Chairperson is not sitting more than two (2) consecutive terms

Current Chairperson chairs no more than two (2) other public bodies

Has a Board with a minimum of 30% male members

Has a Board with a minimum of 30% female members

Current Board retains at least 3 members or one-third of the previous Board

Governance Structure

Has a Board Charter

Has a Non-Executive Chair

Has a trained Corporate Secretary

Hosts Board training

Conducts Annual Board Evaluations

Ensures Board processes are executed

Ensures Board minutes are transmitted to the Permanent Secretary

Has an Information and Disclosure Policy

Audit and Internal Control

Has an internal auditor

Has an Audit Committee with clear terms of reference

Has an Audit Committee with three (3) or more members including a qualified accountant/persons possessing expertise in finance

Has an Audit Committee that does not include the Board Chair

Has an Audit Committee that excludes the Procurement Committee Chair

Has a Procurement Committee that rotates members every three (3) years

Has an independent Chair of the Procurement Committee (not chaired by the Finance Director)

Has Board procedures regarding procurement oversight

Has a trained Procurement Committee

Has an Annual Procurement Plan

Reporting and Compliance

Submits Annual Report to the Responsible Minister by July 31st of the present year

Has an Annual Board-Approved Corporate Plan (must include strategic objectives, budget and work plan) by October 31st of the present year

Ensures Annual Report is tabled in Parliament no later than July 31st

Ensures Responsible Minister issues Statement of Corporate Expectation to the Board

Ensures the Chair and Responsible Minister meet at least twice yearly to discuss Agency performance and emerging issues

Ethics and Behaviour

Has a Corporate Social Responsibility Framework including a Donations Policy

Has a Code of Ethics with conflict-of-interest provisions

Ensures staff is trained in the Code of Ethics

Has a Whistle Blowing Policy

Has an Enterprise Risk Management Policy



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Governance is too important to be left solely to our politicians. Send a letter to your MP and to the Parliament letting them know where you stand.

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