Jamaica Library Service


Key Compliance Results



Has a board charter

Has a non-executive Chair

Has a separate role for Corporate Secretary and Legal Counsel

Has an Internal Auditor

Has an Audit Committee with a clear Terms of Reference

Has an Audit Committee with three (3) or more members

Has an Audit Committee with a qualified Accountant or persons possessing expertise in finance

Has an Audit Committee that does not include the Board Chair

Has a Procurement Plan

Has a Procurement Committee

Has a Board Audit Committee that excludes the Procurement Committee Chair

Hosts refresher training for the Procurement Committee

Has a Procurement Committee that rotates members every 3 years

Has an Enterprise Risk Management Framework

Conducts Annual Board Evaluations

Submits Annual Reports to the responsible Minister by July 31 of the present year

Submits Audited Financial Statements by July 31 of the present year

Has submitted a draft Corporate Plan

Ensures Board minutes are transmitted to the Permanent Secretary

Ensures a representative of the Permanent Secretary is present at Board Meetings

Has an Information Disclosure Policy

Has a Corporate Social Responsibility Framework including a Donations Policy

Is a registered company

Holds an Annual General Meetings (this is for registered companies)

Ensures the Chair and responsible Minister meet at least twice yearly to discuss Agency performance and emerging issues

Has a Code of Ethics and Whistle Blowing Policy

Hosts Board training and sensitization

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