Score Breakdown
Jamaica Labour Party (JLP )
Constituency Office
Hanover Eastern
Main Street,
Hopewell P.O.
876-956-5954; 876-818-5030
Dave Hume Brown MP
Political career: Has served as the MP for Hanover Eastern since February 2016. MP Brown currently serves on the following Parliamentary Committees:
- Infrastructure and Physical Development
- Economy and Production
- Internal and External Affairs
- Public Administration and Appropriations
Profession: Former member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
Education: Cornwall College.
MPs score is not impacted by absence that is caused by illness or the need to attend to official Government business.
House of Representatives 93%
Public Accounts and Appropriations Committee 50%
Please see: CDF Operational Procedures – March 2019
Note Policy Change: 2015/16 and beyond, meetings are required every other year (prior annually).
Constituency Development Fund Consultations
Constituency Development Fund Reports
No CDF reports have been received to date
Based on the Integrity Commission's interpretation of "Part VII Privilege and Confidentiality", Section 56 of the Integrity Commission Act, 2017, the Annual Reports of the Integrity Commission no longer name nor identify any Parliamentarian that commits an offence (a breach) of the Act, neither will it name nor identify any Parliamentarian that is being further investigated or prosecuted for the offence(s) committed.
Assessed under the Integrity Commissions Act, 2017
- Did not declare
- Declared late
- Reported to Parliamentary Leader
- Declaration not cleared
- Reported to Director of Corruption Prosecution
- Fined for failure to report on time and/or provide info.
- Fined for false statement or information
- Prosecuted by Director of Corruption Prosecution
Governance is too important to be left solely to our politicians. Send a letter to your MP and to the Parliament letting them know where you stand.
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