USF – Not taking action to get timely receipt of reports from “terminating carriers”

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Auditor General's Findings

Terminating Carriers did not faithfully submit the traffic reports to USF on a timely basis. The report should provide, among other things, details of the duration and the applicable rates of all inbound international voice telephony calls terminated to fixed lines and mobile lines.

We noted that some terminating carriers did not faithfully submit the required Traffic Report on a timely basis. Of the 43 expected reports to be received from carriers for the period April 2012 to October 2015, only one carrier (Terminating Carrier 1) submitted all the required reports, while the other two (Terminating Carrier 2 and 3) submitted 26 and 37 reports, respectively. Notwithstanding, we saw no evidence that USF took any action to ensure that the carriers complied with the established timeline for submission of the reports.

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Permanent Secretary (current): Carol Palmer

Breach Category: Resource Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach):

Breach Type: Slow Revenue Collections

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