Auditor General's Findings
The Auditor General published a Performance Audit of the Management System for the Maintenance of Parochial Roads (St. Catherine Municipal Corporation) in July 2020.
The audit revealed that the St. Catherine Municipal Corporation (SCMC) could not demonstrate that it provided strategic direction to enable the corporation to achieve its objectives and did not establish medium and long-term goals and performance targets to guide its operation. The input of the public was not sought in determining the strategic direction of the corporation and the prioritization of limited resources, contrary to the Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act.
Planning for the management of the parochial road network was deficient in a context where SCMC was unaware of the full extent of the network and condition of the roads under its purview, and did not have a transparent process of determining works to be carried out under the Roads in the Parish, Divisional Allocation and Lengthman programmes.
Further, deficiencies in record keeping limited verification that funds allocated from the Parochial Revenue Fund (PRF) were appropriately spent.

Permanent Secretary (current): Marsha Henry-Martin
Breach Category: Project Management
Permanent Secretary (at breach):
Breach Type: Ineffective Allocation of Resources