Auditor General's Findings
Weaknesses in Fixed Assets Management: For the Financial Year 2016/17 under review, the MECJC did not maintain the requisite fixed asset records to reflect all the fixed assets under its control, including assets purchased for approximately $15.03 million during FY2016/17, and those transferred to the Ministry when it was created in March 2016. We also identified assets that were not marked with the Ministry’s unique identification codes.
Additionally, the MEGJC did not present for audit inspection, three printers purchased at cost totalling $3.03 million as these could not be located. The Ministry’s failure to maintain proper records of its fixed assets further inhibits the Management’s ability to safeguard the assets from misappropriation and misuse, and impedes its ability to control and efficiently manage the use of the assets under its stewardship.
Permanent Secretary (current): Audrey Sewell
Breach Category: Resource Management
Permanent Secretary (at breach):
Breach Type: Poor Inventory Management