Auditor General's Findings
According to the Auditor General’s Performance Report on the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s procurement management, for the five-year period, 2013-14 to 2017-18, JCF used emergency contracting and direct contracting methodologies, for $1.8 billion (81 per cent) of contracts valuing $2.2 billion, to provide meals for detainees, clothing and uniforms for police officers and repairs and maintenance to facilities.
- The purchase of uniforms is the second single largest expenditure area under goods and services over the five-year period. Due to poor planning, JCF made multiple purchases of uniform material and entered into contracts for the manufacture of uniforms, utilising the emergency and direct contracting methodologies for $623.4 million or 61 per cent of transactions, depriving itself of the ability to obtain uniforms at best available price.
- Method of selecting caterers of meals for detainees held in police lockups was not subject to annual review as the JCF continually used the same caterers for years and there was no evidence of contracts for seven caterers. JCF spent $1.4 billion for food and drink over the five-year period, with the greater portion, $828 million (59 per cent) spent on meals to feed detainees held in police lockups. In many instances, the annual sums paid out to the catering companies exceeded the threshold, which would require the use of competitive bidding.
- For maintenance of police vehicles the JCF did not demonstrate that its maintenance and repair activities were cost effective given that it often conducted these activities on an unplanned basis using direct and emergency procurement methods. JCF spent a total of $842 million to conduct repairs and maintenance of facilities, during the period 2013-14 to 2017-18. However, expenditure was mainly incurred to conduct unplanned corrective works. Of a sample of 165 contracts valuing $349.7 million, JCF awarded 161 contracts (92 per cent) valuing $320 million through the emergency and direct contracting procurement methodologies.

Permanent Secretary (current): Dianne McIntosh
Breach Category: Procurement & Contract Management
Permanent Secretary (at breach):
Breach Type: Noncompliance with Procurement Guidelines