Auditor General's Findings
The performance audit was conducted to determine if DBJ is fulfilling its mandate to foster economic growth and development in the Jamaican economy.
Since inception in April 2000, DBJ has not assessed the extent to which it is achieving its intended outcome of facilitating economic development. DBJ determined economic benefit through its review and assessment of each loan application to evaluate the proposed project’s ability to create jobs, generate foreign exchange, stimulate foreign investments and utilize local produce. However, in the absence of robust post evaluation of the economic performance of the projects, we were challenged to determine whether DBJ is truly fulfilling its mandate and the extent to which the country is benefitting economically from loans granted by DBJ, which amounted to $17.96 billion over the period 2009-10 to 2014-15.

Permanent Secretary (current): Audrey Sewell
Breach Category: Governance
Permanent Secretary (at breach):
Breach Type: Absence of the Entity’s Performance Evaluation