DBJ – Hired consultant to measure DBJ’s loan impact; Contract then modified to exclude that impact assessment

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Auditor General's Findings

DBJ requires that borrowers demonstrate that proposed projects would be able create a net economic benefit to the country, for e.g. the project’s ability to create jobs, generate foreign exchange, stimulate foreign investments and utilize local produce.

The DBJ hired a consultant in February 2015 to measure the impact of its loans and capacity building programmes on job creation. The specific objectives were to conduct an audit of gross direct jobs created through DBJ’s financing and an economic impact survey of DBJ’s loans and grant recipients to determine the impact of DBJ loans and capacity development intervention on SMEs.  The AuGD concluded that the Bank “did not obtain the anticipated value as the consultancy agreement was modified to exclude the impact assessment deliverable.”

Responsive image

Permanent Secretary (current): Audrey Sewell

Breach Category: Project Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach):

Breach Type: Absence of Impact Assessments

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