AEROTEL – Paid $1.92 million phone bill for Chairman’s phone usage 23 months after departure

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Auditor General's Findings

AEROTEL paid $1.92 million in Closed User Group (CUG) charges for 23 months after Chairman’s separation from the entity. In February 2012, the Chairman of AEROTEL demitted office and the CUG mobile phone was not recovered immediately on his departure. The Chairman used the phone for 23 months after demitting office and accumulated $1.92M in charges, which was paid by AEROTEL. These improper payments were not initially detected despite being subjected to three levels of approval, which includes certifying and authorising officers (Senior accounting staff) and the cheque signatories (Director of Finance and another Director). Further, AEROTEL did not establish pre-set limits on its CUG plans during the period January 2012 to April 2015.

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Permanent Secretary (current): Alwin Hales

Breach Category: Resource Management

Permanent Secretary (at breach): Alwin Hales

Breach Type: Misuse of Assets

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