Auditor General's Findings
According to an Auditor General 2017 Special Report, INSPORTS was unable to provide documents indicating the approved number of posts and grades. However, the information which was obtained from the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service suggests that INSPORTS has engaged 21 staff in excess of the establishment without approval. The decision of the Administrative Director to unilaterally reclassify the positions resulted in unauthorized payments of salary and travelling allowance, to 12 officers, totalling $24.6M for the period June 2007 to June 2011.
The 2017 audit found that Between June 2013 and February 2015, INSPORTS re-engaged the services of nine retired officers without the prior approval of the Ministry of Finance and paid them $14.02 million in salary and allowances. Ministry of Finance in February 2015 granted retroactive approval for 4 of the 9 officers.

Permanent Secretary (current): Denzil Thorpe
Breach Category: Resource Management
Permanent Secretary (at breach):
Breach Type: Unapproved Positions of Employment