The National Housing Trust (NHT) was established in Jamaica in 1976 and became a body corporate in 1979 under the National Housing Trust Act. It is an institution created to respond to the housing needs of Jamaicans by lending money at low interest rates to Contributors who wish to build, buy or improve their houses or who wish to buy or build on lots. The NHT also develops housing schemes for sale to Contributors and provides low cost financing to private developers.
Over the last three financial years 2020/21 to 2022/23 the NHT delivered 6,657 housing solutions to the market. For the Financial Year 2024/25 the Trust plans to commence construction on 15,009 new housing solutions and deliver a total of 3,664 solutions, comprising a mix of residential lots and houses.
To achieve these targets the staff and the Board of the NHT must ensure there is robust corporate governance. Let’s see how they are doing!!